Wednesday, September 1, 2010


The summer is coming to a close soon, and I will be going back to school. I haven't really been recording recipes, but I have been helping to make them. Even though I haven't been recording recipes, I have been doing other things. So what do you do when you have too much time on your hands? You crochet of course. I have recently been learning to crochet and have made quite a few things that I am quite happy with such as a strawberry pouch, a black bracelet, a flower, a blue glove, and a few other things.

This is the strawberry pouch that I made and is currently being used to hold change.

This is the black bracelet that I crocheted for my friend.

This is the blue flower that I crocheted although I failed miserably many times before I finally understood how to make this. :p

This is the blue glove that I crocheted, and it was actually quite easy to make. I haven't made the second glove to make it a pair yet. I really enjoyed making these during the summer but I probably won't have time to make so many things after the summer is over. I am currently trying to finish this cute toy that I can't wait to see completed. I am very happy that I spent my summer making these things although I wish I could have gathered more recipes. Maybe next summer.


  1. You can still make time to crochet during the school year, you know. It's all about time management! I knitted that huge afgan while working two jobs, taking many classes and school, and writing my master's thesis. I did it while watching Heroes and talking on the phone, too!

    Wow, I can't believe I just wrote this adult-ish post to you; you're still a baby! =D

  2. You should continue to blog too. This was a fun post with photos! You are so good with the crocheting. You really should keep it up when you have some spare time. Continue to take photos of stuff you make. I love seeing them. Have a good school year!
